Interpol: Chinese state media lauds new chief


Interpol: Chinese state media lauds new chief

Image copyright AFP Image caption Police are searching for 141 individuals wanted by Interpol and 230 organisations Chinese state media are hailing Interpol’s appointment of Guido Fernando as its new secretary general. Mr Fernando,…

10 phrases left out of your daily conversation?


10 phrases left out of your daily conversation?

Written by Hanna Steel, CNN Ten terms used in everyday everyday English are the latest focus of “Words that Count,” a three-year project by the London-based Communication Disability Forum to challenge the use of…

Officials Fear a ‘New Cold War’ with Russia and China


Officials Fear a ‘New Cold War’ with Russia and China

Europeans and Americans should prepare for the possibility of a new cold war, senior US military officials have warned. Russia and China, the two most significant powers in the world, are preparing for a…